New Beers Eve: Brugge Tripel

Name: Brugge Tripel
ABV: 8.7%
Brewery: Palm Brouwerijs 
Style: Tripel
Origin: Belgium

It is very hard for me to imagine a beer-centric new years eve celebration without this one.

Anyone who's read my hyperbolicly passionate post on it, or caught my quasi-orgasmic tweet from last weekend while enjoying one, may suspect I have a little bit of a soft spot for this beer... about as small as Bill Clinton's soft spot for women.

This love of mine for Brugge Tripel is no doubt increased by the fact that it is not normally available to me, given that it is not sold outside of Belgium. At least it's not meant to be according to the brewery's webpage. I have however manged to procure myself some in the Netherlands and in Spain on a few rare occasions.

I was told a few months ago in Gollem that they had straight up discontinued its production, something I chose not to believe, like a child's defense mechanism against catastrophes. Sure enough, I found it in Brussels this weekend, but not as easily as I used to and not as cheap, which does make me wonder.

The way I see it, better make 2014 the year I had so many Brugge Tripels I grew tired of them, that way, if it does indeed stop being available, I won't go into a depression the likes of which has not been seen since the wake of World War II. I think the task will be tough. That's why I'm starting early.
