New Beers Eve

I've decided to make an early new year's resolution, concerning, precisely, new year's eve.

The past few years, I've had different types of hard liquor on new year's eve, with varying consequences. Actually, with one consequence but in varying degrees: I got either shitfaced, very shitfaced, or so shitfaced I don't even remember. 

Rum was always among the culprits, but depending on the year, so were Jaggermeister, Absynthe, Gin, and others which, as I mentioned, I don't really remember.

This year however, in the spirit of self-improvement and personal growth (and not at all because hangovers take a worse toll every year and I have to work on the second), I have decided to try my hand at drinking only beer on New Year's.

Now it may seem a little early to start thinking about it, after all we're only in the beginning of the month of November, but I think it is well justified.

My plan is to make myself an ambitious list of beers from all over the place that would fit such an occasion, and once such list is made, the toughest thing of all, get my hands on them. 

Inevitably, this brings me to the question, what beers would be appropriate for such a night? Would it be some of my all time favorites? Would it be some I have never yet tried but have always wanted to? Or would it just be seasonals?

A friend of mine has already made one suggestion, Brewmeister's Snake Venom, a beer with 67.5%ABV, which I fear will make my NYE end up like always, shitfaced.

While I try to decide in the next few weeks, I would love to know your opinions. What would you drink on New Beers Eve? I don't want to get shitfaced again, please give me a buzz!
