One Year Anniversary


It was exactly one year ago today that I wrote my first post on this blog.

I started the blog with the rather simple and unpretentious idea of writing about my favorite beers, the ones that I have always liked to drink, the new ones I would occasionally try, or as the material grew scarcer, the breweries that brewed them.

Little did I know how out of hand this would get.

What started out as a pretty finite task (I don't know, 50 or 60 posts at most), has become quite the opposite. A year in, 63 posts later, I have still to write about most of the beers originally in my plans. 

Traditional favorites of mine like Leffe 9, Westmalle Tripel, Franziskaner Heffe Weissbier, Westvleteren XII, La Trappe Quadrupel or Pilsner Urquell have not yet found a place on this blog. Meanwhile, a bunch of fantastic Spanish beers (three words I thought I would never use together) have been the subjects of my posts. Not to mention the sheer amount of US craft beers.

If anything, this blog has spurred on my search for new beers; things I have not tried yet, different styles, different nationalities. It has taken me out of my comfort zone, if there is such a thing as leaving your comfort zone when you are enjoying a beer (how much more comfortable than that can you get?) I now look for the weirdest beer on the menu and get genuinely aggravated when a place only has things I already know, or much worse even, serves only crappy commercial lagers.

Styles, processes, pairings... I have learned a lot writing it, mainly how little I know and how much I have still to learn about the world of beer.

Somebody told me the other day that the world of beer is like the mafia. You happen to come in contact with it by chance, and before you realize it you're in deep and it's almost impossible to get out. I think that's basically what happened to me with this blog.

It began with writing, but I have already tried my hand at home brewing, something I still have to master. There are now several more beer related projects in my head, but this blog is definitely here to stay. I cannot at this point envision trying a delicious new beer and not taking notes to write about it later. 

To lightly paraphrase Ser Rodrick Cassel in Game of Thrones, gods help me, for know I am truly lost. 

In any case, thank you all for taking this journey with me.
