Summer Vacation

At long last after a very long time (a whole year in fact) the moment for my summer vacation has arrived. As I write this, I am looking at the clock on my desktop trying to make the last hour before it go by faster. I think it is working.

After an exhausting year I need a break. Some time away from everything. Everything.... except beer, of course.

Beer is an essential part of the summer and, after almost a year, this blog has become an essential part of beer drinking for me. I have begun to feel weird if I do not drink and blog, so I have decided not to interrupt the blog during my vacation.

I am not however going to write long posts but rather post pictures of interesting beer related places and events, as well as write brief posts on the beers that most impress me.

During the next few days I will be travelling around North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, stopping, among other places in Asheville, NC, a city famous for having been named Beer City USA several times, last of them in 2012.

I hope you enjoy reading about my trip as much as I will enjoy writing about it... And drinking during it.

Have a great summer!
